Saturday, March 27, 2010

Time to Read History Again

Pundits on the right are looking for the silver lining in the pathetic "wealth distribution" power grab (as reported by the New York Times no less) known as Healthcare Reform Law.

For my part, I am going back to re-reading history. I think if we all understood American history better, we would have never been brought to this financial precipice. I have dusted off the three volumes of The Annals of America, which cover everything leading up to the American Revolution and through the Civil War. It's refreshing to read actual letters and essays by early American fathers about the principles they invoked in resisting the tyrrany of Big Government.

I encourage everyone to do the same. If we are going to win in November, we need sustained electoral momentum, propelled by light not just heat. If the public becomes truly educated about our history, the basics of economics, the differences between socialism and capitalism, the results of nationalized healthcare as it has been tried in other countries, etc, we will be armed with the knowledge and firepower to repeal this bill.

So give up American Idol and Entertainment Tonight for a awhile, and hit the history books. While you're at it, look at the old document known as the Constitution as well.