Sunday, January 10, 2010

Voluntary Profiling

I have an answer to the "profiling" debate about airline security screening.

Let's all volunteer to be profiled, under any circumstances, right or wrong, using any random criteria the screener wants to use.

- Want to pull me aside because my name sounds Arabic (it is)? Go ahead, I won't complain.

- Think I'm a terrorist because I don't look like everyone else, and on this basis alone you want to screen me further? Be my guest.

- I'll go a step further. I will even volunteer information if you like, such as the fact that I lived in Indonesia for 4 years. Boy oh boy does that sound supicious. Go ahead, open my bags, grill me with me more questions, ask me whatever you want.


I just want to get on a plane that doesn't blow up in mid flight because some nutcase with so-called "rights" decided to wage jihad against America.

We should all--and I mean all of us--sign a waiver, release, whatever, indicating our willingness to be screened, profiled, by any criteria whatsoever, just so that we can fly safely, with our written permission and guarantee that we won't sue TSA as a result.

Some people, of course, won't sign the release.

Better pull them aside, and ask them some more questions.

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